Ready to 'shake’ your dependency on recipes and develop the confidence to create delicious custom cocktails off the cuff? This is the perfect class for students who have a basic familiarity with proper tools and technique, and want to expand their repertoire and explore a range of flavor combinations. We’ll start with a review of basic cocktail-making guidelines and techniques to get you shaking and stirring just like the pros. We will then introduce you to common ratios, which are endlessly more useful than recipes when you want to get creative with your cocktails. We’ll apply those ratios to stirred and shaken cocktails and taste the results side by side to see what works and why. Finally, we will get down and dirty and make our own custom cocktails. Students will have a chance to experiment with spirits, juices, bitters and modifiers, receive feedback on their cocktail, and walk away ready to concoct their own variations at home.